The P Pod
Welcome to the Partnership Podcast - The P Pod, from the Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership! Meet the agencies who will help you to support children, young people and their families across Somerset. Explore local and national learning and how to improve your safeguarding practice. If you would like to take part in a future podcast or have any questions or comments arising from any episodes we'd love you to contact us at theppod@somerset.gov.uk www.somersetsafeguardingchildren.org.uk
The P Pod
Trauma Informed Practice Special - Dr. Karen Treisman
Get in touch with us at The P Pod
Today we're lucky enough to speak with one of the countries leading experts on Trauma Informed Practice, Dr. Karen Treisman MBE, Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist.
I first met Karen earlier this year where we were both keynote speakers at a conference on Neglect and I was inspired by her knowledge and passion for the subject, and I hope you'll be equally inspired by her today.
You can find details of Somerset's Trauma Informed Network, where you'll find information, resources, videos and literature on Trauma Informed Practice, as well as to sign up to the network HERE
If you would like to find out more about Karen and her work go to her website Safe Hands Thinking Minds
Further details of topics discussed can be found on the SSCP Website: somersetsafeguardingchildren.org.uk
If you have any comments or questions from this podcast, or would like to be involved in a future episode please get in touch at ThePPod@somerset.gov.uk
To access the transcript for this episode go to The P Pod (somersetsafeguardingchildren.org.uk) and click on the episode for details.