The P Pod
Welcome to the Partnership Podcast - The P Pod, from the Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership! Meet the agencies who will help you to support children, young people and their families across Somerset. Explore local and national learning and how to improve your safeguarding practice. If you would like to take part in a future podcast or have any questions or comments arising from any episodes we'd love you to contact us at theppod@somerset.gov.uk www.somersetsafeguardingchildren.org.uk
The P Pod
Special Guardianship Orders - Donna Markham
Get in touch with us at The P Pod
We're joined again in the studio for todays episode by Donna Markham, Team Leader for the Kinship Team in Somerset's Children Social Care who this time talks to us about Special Guardianship Orders and other forms of care arrangements for Children & Young People.
You can find out further details on SGO's and other information relating to fostering and other care arrangements for children in Somerset HERE
Further details of topics discussed can be found on the SSCP Website: somersetsafeguardingchildren.org.uk
If you have any comments or questions from this podcast, or would like to be involved in a future episode please get in touch at ThePPod@somerset.gov.uk
To access the transcript for this episode go to The P Pod (somersetsafeguardingchildren.org.uk) and click on the episode for details.